Helen Elmallakh
“I finished your course and I hope more people take it! Well worth it based on the results. Hasta la vista to PT and my acupuncturist! “This program was well worth it. My pain went from a level 8 to between 0 and 2. Prior to this program, I was waking up multiple times at night […]
Maryanne DeAngelo, San Diego, CA
“I experienced a profound healing from Fibromyalgia with Debora Wayne. After 20 years of symptomatic pain, I could feel the sources of this autoimmune disorder being pulled from my body during her session. The flare up I was experiencing has remained in remission since I received her gift of energy work. I highly recommend anyone […]
F.M. St. Paul, MN
I had struggled with binge eating for years. The more I restricted and tried to control, the more I binged. I knew that there was a place just as there was when I was a kid where I didn’t have to restrict anything. I could just eat when I’m hungry and eat what I want […]
Neuroscientist; Ph.D Psychology
As a scientist, bioenergy is not an easily approachable topic. To delve into the spiritual realm of healing, one needs a guide with uncommon ability to speak both science and spirit. For me, that guide is Debora. Her intelligence and ability to communicate logically as well as intuitively is a necessary bridge for me; not […]
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
“I invited Debora Wayne to be a featured speaker at my recent event for holistic practitioners because I had experienced first hand her healing energy and wanted to share it with my participants. Even with just a brief demonstration of Biofield Healing, almost everyone in the room AND on the livestream was able to feel […]
Jeanette M. Retired school teacher, Perth, Australia
“I attended Debora’s Pain Free Living Program® and after several healing sessions my long standing asthma completely disappeared. That was 6 months ago no more asthma! I am so grateful for your healing”
Sharon H, Henderson, NV
“Working with Debra I immediately felt relief from mental pain. My body was lighter and my mind clearer. Within 24 hours of my first biofield healing session, I felt physical pain and emotional pain leave my body. My biggest discovery is that I can heal and control the problems that had kept me depressed, isolated […]
Gail Marlow, Ph.D – University Chemistry Professor – Kansas City, MO
“First, THANK YOU! Thank you, Debora Wayne for the fact that I could just walk into my kitchen – with crutches – but I WALKED! I have an MS diagnosis and disability due to injuries from an assault. I listened to your recording, and WOW! Over the last few hours, pain is being released as […]
Jim J., Simi Valley, CA
“My skeleton realigned itself after our Distance Session just like when I’ve had hands on treatment. That’s incredible…remote energy work that realigned my spine!!! Even my ankles are realigned. My back has felt great ever since the first session. The way a back should feel. My neck, shoulder, and low back pain are all gone.”
Louis H., Orange, CA
“I have had two knee operations and a 2 inch plate implanted in my neck. I have been in constant pain for years – since 2000. The doctors have prescribed pain medicines from Vicodin to Valium for muscle spasms. I was willing to try anything to stop my chronic pain. On my first visit with […]