Become the Skilled, Confident Healing Practitioner You Are Meant to Be

The Biofield Healing Immersion® Method is your pathway to step into your highest calling and unlock your extraordinary potential.

Imagine the power to transform lives and make a profound difference. The Biofield Healing Immersion® Training unlocks a revolutionary approach to address the whole person – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and energetically.

Even if you’ve struggled with other methods, or don’t see yourself as a “healer,” this training empowers you to help others break free from pain, fatigue, chronic conditions, anxiety, depression, and more. Unlock your intuition, creativity, productivity, and life purpose – no matter your background.

This is your chance to become a confident, professional healing practitioner and make a living doing meaningful work that uplifts adults, children, animals or simply offer this to your friends and family members. Discover how to connect people to their optimal energy and reclaim their lives.

  • Safe, Non-Drug, More Rapid Results
  • Work From Anywhere: In Person or Remotely
  • Help Others Without Dangerous Medications or Restrictive Diets — Even When Diagnostic Tests Fail to Give Answers

Biofield Healing Immersion® was shown to provide a measurable 51% pain decrease and energy increase in the very first session. (The average of other methods studied was only 10% improvement at best. Thousands of our past clients have reported being 100% PAIN-FREE (often after the very first session).

As Seen On

Read What Some Past Participants Have Experienced and Reported:

“I can’t tell you enough how truly and deeply life-changing the training was for me. I absolutely know that it changed the course of my life my present and my future.”

“I believe in myself more now, I feel more connected to Source and to everyone I encounter. I feel more confident. I feel lit up and excited and ready. I feel solid, grounded, powerful, and able. I feel more peaceful, more present, and more adept at getting out of the way and allowing ‘Something Bigger’ to do the work. I also have a richer appreciation for my clients’ inner world, and a bigger language and experience to help THEM.”

“The Biofield Healing Immersion® Practitioner Training experience feels powerfully important in my journey as a healing practitioner. I am not sure I will ever be able to describe or even know all the changes I am experiencing.”

Imagine having an all-natural, non-drug way to help people (and animals) without needing to rush to the doctor every time a pain or problem arises.

A method that deepens your connection to your higher purpose and allows you to evolve personally AND spiritually.

Biofield Healing Immersion® is a 21st Century tool that has been shown in a subtle energy scientific research lab to be six (6) times more effective than other modalities and may be the fastest, safest, easiest non-drug way to release the hidden root cause reasons for pain and a myriad of “mysterious” symptoms and chronic conditions.

Experience yourself as a facilitator who is able to successfully work with people to help them gain freedom from conditions like insomnia, chronic fatigue, chronic physical pain, depression, anxiety, trauma, painful repetitive patterns, and much more.

Be the one to more rapidly help those who are struggling with their weight, food sensitivities, digestive drama, binge-eating, “mystery pain”, migraines, blood sugar and blood pressure imbalances, brain fog, and much more….WITHOUT needing to convince them to take any pills or potions, do Physical Therapy, or give up all the foods they love.

Unlock Your Healing Potential & Become a Practitioner Today.


Practitioner Training Course BEGINS Tuesday May 28th, 2024
TIME: 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern

Meets for 14 consecutive weeks on Tuesdays at 5pm Pacific***


Option 1

Full Payment
$ 3500 1 Payment
  • Class begins May 28th
  • Registration closes June 3rd

Option 2

Payment Plan
$ 1925 2 Payments
  • Class begins May 28th
  • Registration closes June 3rd
*** IMPORTANT: This is a LIVE Course held on Zoom Video.  Attendance is mandatory. No More Than One Class may be missed without special written permission from Debora due to the HIGHLY EXPERIENTIAL NATURE OF THIS COURSE. This is not a “Do-It-Yourself” Course where you study, memorize, and watch videos on your own. You’ll be receiving Energetic Transmissions each week on the Live Zoom Calls plus important mentoring from Debora, and you’ll be participating on multiple levels including physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, energetically. This course is transformative and life-changing!

Who Is This Training For?


Aspiring or existing professionals (health/wellness/medical/fitness/yoga/coaches/therapists/energy healers) who want to use Biofield Healing Immersion® on clients, either in person or remotely. This is the foundational course that trains you in the art and science of Biofield Healing Immersion® so you can advance your skills and go on to work with clients all over the world. This work is fun, gratifying, and energizing. Unlike other methods that can drain energy and lead to burnout, Biofield Healing Immersion® has been shown in a science lab to increase the energy of the practitioner.


Non-professionals who want to offer Biofield Healing Immersion® to their children, friends, family members, or animals — for a safe, effective, non-drug method of healing, or in conjunction with their current healthcare treatments.

Just one visit to the ER can cost thousands of dollars and create its own trauma. And the average hospital stay costs $15,000. (That does not include medications, treatments, or surgeries.)

By learning how to facilitate Biofield Healing Immersion® sessions, you’ll become an invaluable resource for your family and friends — and be able to offer them this leading-edge option for only a fraction of the cost.

This Biofield Healing Immersion® Training Program is for you if:

  • You want to feel the confidence that comes from offering a method repeatedly shown to provide 51% or greater pain decrease and energy increase often in less than one hour, and often starting in the very first session.
  • You want to help people to eliminate their pain, symptoms, and suffering. Who seem stuck and blocked and who already “tried everything” with little to no results.
  • You want to gain expertise in a leading-edge modality that has the potential to make your existing practice and services stand out among a “sea” of other providers.
  • You wish to take your current services to the next level in the shortest timeframe and with the greatest ease.

Join us and unlock the hidden potential of this powerful modality to help yourself and others achieve newfound freedom and vitality.


Practitioner Training Course BEGINS Tuesday May 28th, 2024
TIME: 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern

Meets for 14 consecutive weeks on Tuesdays at 5pm Pacific***


Option 1

Full Payment
$ 3500 1 Payment
  • Class begins May 28th
  • Registration closes June 3rd

Option 2

Payment Plan
$ 1925 2 Payments
  • Class begins May 28th
  • Registration closes June 3rd
*** IMPORTANT: This is a LIVE Course held on Zoom Video.  Attendance is mandatory. No More Than One Class may be missed without special written permission from Debora due to the HIGHLY EXPERIENTIAL NATURE OF THIS COURSE. This is not a “Do-It-Yourself” Course where you study, memorize, and watch videos on your own. You’ll be receiving Energetic Transmissions each week on the Live Zoom Calls plus important mentoring from Debora, and you’ll be participating on multiple levels including physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, energetically. This course is transformative and life-changing!
“As a scientist, bioenergy is not an easily approachable topic.  Yet there is a growing body of scientific work demonstrating a variety of effects on humans, animals, and cultures of living cells.  To delve into the spiritual realm of healing, one needs a guide with uncommon ability to speak both science and spirit.  For me, that guide is Debora.  Her intelligence and ability to communicate logically as well as intuitively is a necessary bridge for me; not all healers have this.

Debora is also an amazing teacher- she leaves no one behind.  You’ll leave with great inspiration and insight.
The training was amazing- exactly what I was hoping for!


Ph.D Psychology

“The Training Intensive was more powerful, on more levels, than I could have imagined. I absolutely know that it changed the course of my life.

Just know that I could write a book on the helpful insights I received from this workshop, both personally and professionally! The impact this workshop has had and will have on my relationship to myself and to my work has rocked my world! It has already changed my present and it has altered my future. I am thinking new thoughts and taking new actions that I would not have known to – or been able to – take before this workshop. The training was undeniably a turning point for me.

Chris B.

San Diego, CA

Create the Life You’ve Always Wanted…

Whether you want to eventually work with clients professionally or be able to help loved ones, this training gives you the practical skills you need to become highly attuned in Biofield Healing Immersion®.

Debora has personally trained hundreds of people including massage therapists, accountants, nurses, hairdressers, mothers, daughters, men, yoga instructors, school teachers, psychologists, M.D.s, many energy healing and other health and wellness practitioners, and even an 8- year-old boy, on how to facilitate Biofield Healing Immersion® sessions.

Millions of people are suffering, and YOU can make a difference — and if you want to continue your training to use your skills professionally, you’ll open up a world of possibilities.

Work remotely from home — no long commutes in traffic!

Set your own schedule… No more 9-5. When you work for yourself you can wake up without an alarm clock, pick up your kids from school, or go to an afternoon yoga class.

Make more money than you could at a traditional job. Set your own rates for the deeply transformational healing work you do, and create a side business or second career that allows you to be of service while charging what you’re worth.

Take work-cations as often as you like. Since this method is just as effective remotely as it is in person, you’ll have the freedom to travel or even live from anywhere around the world while you continue to see clients.

Be your own boss. You set your own terms, doing deeply meaningful work you love with the clients of your choice.

FINALLY do something you love. Each day is a new adventure where you get to feel a heart connection to your work. Know that you’re making a difference on the planet and in people’s lives while fulfilling your higher purpose.

Working in the Biofield and Understanding Energy, Vibration, Frequencies… THIS is the Future of True Health CARE!

This could be the game-changer you've been looking for…


Practitioner Training Course BEGINS Tuesday May 28th, 2024
TIME: 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern

Meets for 14 consecutive weeks on Tuesdays at 5pm Pacific***


Option 1

Full Payment
$ 3500 1 Payment
  • Class begins May 28th
  • Registration closes June 3rd

Option 2

Payment Plan
$ 1925 2 Payments
  • Class begins May 28th
  • Registration closes June 3rd
*** IMPORTANT: This is a LIVE Course held on Zoom Video.  Attendance is mandatory. No More Than One Class may be missed without special written permission from Debora due to the HIGHLY EXPERIENTIAL NATURE OF THIS COURSE. This is not a “Do-It-Yourself” Course where you study, memorize, and watch videos on your own. You’ll be receiving Energetic Transmissions each week on the Live Zoom Calls plus important mentoring from Debora, and you’ll be participating on multiple levels including physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, energetically. This course is transformative and life-changing!

The International Chronic Pain Institute® is dedicated to the end of pain and suffering on our planet and to creating a “New Normal” of health, high energy, more joy, and true freedom

In this live 14-week training, bestselling author and founder of The International Chronic Pain Institute® Debora Wayne introduces students to a new paradigm of health and healing.

This is a high-touch program where you’ll work directly with Debora during interactive training calls.

14 Life-Changing Weeks

Here’s What You’ll Receive During Your Training:

  • You will gain the skills you need to facilitate Biofield Healing Immersion® sessions, both in person or at a distance for adults, children, animals, and for yourself.
  • We will eliminate many of the misunderstandings and myths around energy healing so that you feel more comfortable and confident in what you are offering.
  • You will come away with an understanding of what is truly helpful to others and what actually weakens them so that you are able to be more effective as a practitioner.
  • You will gain a basic understanding of the scientific principles at work behind The Biofield Healing Immersion® Method and the interconnectedness between healing, spirituality, science, and consciousness.
  • The training will raise your own vibrational frequency and you will expand your mind, your body, and your state of consciousness to a higher level.
  • You will PRACTICE this method on others and see for yourself that you really can do this and get positive results. Guaranteed!
  • You will receive direct teaching, feedback, and mentoring from Debora’s many years of experience, as well as have your questions and concerns answered.
  • You will gain the skill and expertise you need to effectively help others and make a greater difference in your home, community, and on the planet.
  • You will come away with a practical skill that can be monetized from anywhere in the world.

The Biofield Healing Immersion®

Part 1

The First Transformation Is Your Own

First, you will receive Debora’s expert mentoring as she takes you through her proprietary self-care tools and coaches you through your own healing process.

These are the EXACT ingredients YOU need to clear out YOUR limiting beliefs, fears, doubts, stuck emotions, pains, and patterns that drain your energy and that may get in the way of your ability to help others.

You can only take someone as far as YOU’VE gone.

That’s why Debora will first skillfully help YOU physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and energetically so that you are properly prepared to facilitate The Biofield Healing Immersion® method for others.

Each week for the first four weeks during your Live Group Calls you will personally receive a Biofield Healing Immersion® session facilitated live directly by Debora.

This is the “superpower” she is known for that has helped tens of thousands around the world to eliminate chronic pain, depression, anxiety, trauma, battles with food, weight, binge eating, and so much more!

Part 2

Hands-on Practice: The Biofield Healing Immersion® Method

Your exciting training program continues with a highly experiential, interactive, LIVE group call with Debora each and every week.

Before you even complete this course, you will begin facilitating Biofield Healing Immersion® sessions AND you will be getting results!

Yes, You CAN Do This! Yes, you may be shocked! And yes, you WILL get results!

Debora will coach you every step of the way, and by the end of this training, you will have successfully facilitated Biofield Healing Immersion® sessions on adults, children, and animals, both in-person AND at a distance—even if you’ve never done anything like this before.

You will discover you are literally transforming personally and professionally and building the necessary confidence in your ability to offer a method of healing that gets results.

Unlike most self-study training programs, you’ll work directly with Debora Wayne Live as she immerses you in this highly effective method. This training is highly experiential.

Each week, Debora will personally guide you to activate, awaken, and develop the healing abilities which lie dormant within you much faster and easier than you ever thought possible.

*Please note: If you currently practice another healing modality, we have found that Biofield Healing Immersion® training will most likely accelerate, amplify, and potentially increase the effectiveness of these other methods as well.

From the Founder of the International Chronic Pain Institute®

Dear Friend,

We are living in very exciting times!

We are in the midst of a gigantic tidal-wave of change in our world in the areas of healing, science, spirituality and much more.

Please join this incredible group of “Trailblazers” as we embark upon an exciting adventure together to END pain and suffering on our planet.

You are cordially invited to become a Biofield Healing Immersion® Practitioner where you will learn to facilitate a revolutionary method of non-touch-healing that is literally changing our entire understanding of what is possible!

The Subtle Energy Science Research Lab report showed The Biofield Healing Immersion® method achieved a decrease in Pain and increase in Energy, 5 times greater than all other methods studied in the past 25 years.  

Biofield Healing Immersion® simultaneously addresses the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic aspects of a person’s entire being.

Biofield Healing Immersion® is based on the principles of Quantum Physics, Biofield Science, and Spiritual Healing, and has the potential to create rapid and dramatic results that many have called “miraculous”.

Having worked with tens of thousands of people in over 160 countries, most of whom I’ve never seen or met, I have been privileged to witness dramatic results of all types, and to help men, women, children, and animals to rapidly remove the hidden causes of pain, patterns, and dis-ease even when other methods have failed. 

YOU, can do this too!

I will reveal to you exactly how Biofield Healing Immersion® method can touch YOUR life in the deep, soul-satisfying way that it has touched my life and the lives of many others around the world. 

I invite you to join me on this fascinating journey working in the Biofield. This is the future of true Health CARE and Self CARE and you’ll leave the training with an “Inner Technology” in your back pocket that enables you to help your patients and clients, yourself, your family members, friends, and loved ones to live their lives with greater energy, joy and freedom.

Save yourself thousands of hours and thousands of dollars as you benefit from my many years of expertise, training, and from my BIG mistakes too.   I’ll hold nothing back.

Join the mission of The Biofield Healing Institute® … We CARE and we are the “Trailblazers” dedicated to ending pain and suffering on our planet.

“It takes a village”, and together, we will have more impact to make a rapid and dramatic difference world-wide.

With Love & Gratitude,

Discover the Transformative Potential of Biofield Healing Immersion® and Become a Catalyst for Remarkable Healing Journeys

This Innovative Approach Is Poised to Revolutionize the Way We Address the Most Persistent and Perplexing Health Concerns


Practitioner Training Course BEGINS Tuesday May 28th, 2024
TIME: 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern

Meets for 14 consecutive weeks on Tuesdays at 5pm Pacific***


Option 1

Full Payment
$ 3500 1 Payment
  • Class begins May 28th
  • Registration closes June 3rd

Option 2

Payment Plan
$ 1925 2 Payments
  • Class begins May 28th
  • Registration closes June 3rd
*** IMPORTANT: This is a LIVE Course held on Zoom Video.  Attendance is mandatory. No More Than One Class may be missed without special written permission from Debora due to the HIGHLY EXPERIENTIAL NATURE OF THIS COURSE. This is not a “Do-It-Yourself” Course where you study, memorize, and watch videos on your own. You’ll be receiving Energetic Transmissions each week on the Live Zoom Calls plus important mentoring from Debora, and you’ll be participating on multiple levels including physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, energetically. This course is transformative and life-changing!

Real Results from Biofield Healing Immersion® Sessions


“Before going to Debora I was in constant pain. During the past three years I’ve had lumbar injections, used anti-inflammatory patches and needed daily pain medication. Since my sessions with Debora I no longer need medication, I am pain free, exercising again and loving life. What a blessing!”

Carlene S., Chula Vista, CA

I have been in constant pain for years. I was skeptical and totally surprised at the response of my body to Debora’s work. I had already tried everything – Acupuncture, Acupressure, and all types of other treatments. None had ever felt like this. There was relief from pain. I don’t have to take pain medication or muscle relaxers any longer. I haven’t felt this good in years. I was healed from the inside out. It lasts, it works!”

Louis H., Orange, CA

“I had struggled with binge eating for years. The more I tried to control eating, the more I binged. During the Pain Free Living Program® I suddenly realized that it had been WEEKS since I had last binged. I couldn’t even remember when that was! It feels so good to no longer be afraid of food but instead eat well, eat in moderation, and enjoy it!”

F.M. St. Paul, MN

“I had diabetes and had been insulin dependent for 30 years taking 2 different kinds of insulin. After one day of Biofield Healing,, my blood sugars began to drop dramatically. In 6 short weeks, I no longer needed one of the insulins at all and I have lost 20 pounds without changing what I eat! (Last Update: she has lost 90 pounds and needs no insulin at all!) I had at one point been in a wheelchair because the pain was so severe, and now I can walk 2 miles at a time! I feel better than I have in years and the numbness in both of my legs is entirely gone! My life has changed in every way.”

L.W., California

“My fatigue is gone! I was having draining fatigue and snoozing in the afternoon, forcing myself on my nightly 2.5 mile power walk. You did not even work on me directly!!”

Paula McKinney, California

“Before working with Debora, a CT scan revealed a cyst on my pancreas, and I suffered from digestive drama as well. As a result I missed celebrating both Thanksgiving AND my birthday entirely! AFTER doing Biofield Healing for only one month’s time, the endoscopic ultrasound revealed NOTHING on my pancreas, and the digestive drama I was experiencing cleared up! Biofield Healing helped me to see the power of my thoughts and feelings and how they can affect the body positively or negatively.”

Janet T., Kalamazoo, MI

How Is the Biofield Healing Immersion® Training Different?

The Biofield Healing Immersion® training is not just a training that you’ll take and won’t be able to use. We guarantee you can do this.

You might be wondering if this will work for people who want a second, part time career, international students, busy moms, men, massage therapists, first-time beginners, advanced healing practitioners, doctors, nurses, retirees, and everyone in between.

The answer is yes! Debora has trained hundreds to use this method with great success, and they in turn have gone on to help thousands.  This is how together, we truly impact the world and raise the vibration of this planet.

If you’re ready to be initiated as a true agent of change, ready to be at the forefront of a leading-edge new health movement based on energy, vibration, and frequencies, ready to be of great service and change the course of history, take the next step and register today.

I would LOVE to take YOU to the next phase of your journey and help you activate and accelerate your healing abilities, enabling you to expand the services you offer to your clients, friends, family, and yourself!

Experience the Power of Biofield Healing Immersion® and Be the One to Help Others Regain Their Health, Vitality, and Quality of Life


Practitioner Training Course BEGINS Tuesday May 28th, 2024
TIME: 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern

Meets for 14 consecutive weeks on Tuesdays at 5pm Pacific***


Option 1

Full Payment
$ 3500 1 Payment
  • Class begins May 28th
  • Registration closes June 3rd

Option 2

Payment Plan
$ 1925 2 Payments
  • Class begins May 28th
  • Registration closes June 3rd
*** IMPORTANT: This is a LIVE Course held on Zoom Video.  Attendance is mandatory. No More Than One Class may be missed without special written permission from Debora due to the HIGHLY EXPERIENTIAL NATURE OF THIS COURSE. This is not a “Do-It-Yourself” Course where you study, memorize, and watch videos on your own. You’ll be receiving Energetic Transmissions each week on the Live Zoom Calls plus important mentoring from Debora, and you’ll be participating on multiple levels including physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, energetically. This course is transformative and life-changing!

Frequently Asked Questions

Typically The Biofield Healing Immersion® Training calls are approximately 1½ – 2 hours per week. During the second part of the training you’ll need an additional ½ – 1 hour of time each week to practice what you have learned in class. (You are always welcome and encouraged to practice more if you like).

But here’s the thing…

As you’ll find, Biofield Healing Immersion® is designed for rapid results. Meaning that as you start working with others, and you see for yourself that people WILL get results, you’ll WANT to keep practicing.

You’ll WANT to help more people — and as people experience transformation as the result of your work together, they’ll send you referrals. (That’s how I built my own business — strictly by word of mouth!)

You’ll find that practicing this method isn’t just another thing on your to-do list especially when you start getting amazing results and you feel energized from your sessions.

It’s actually one of the most fun and gratifying things you can do with your time.

The Biofield Healing Immersion® Training is a foundational program suitable for those who are starting out without any background in the healing arts, as well as advanced practitioners who are already working with clients and who want to get greater results with more ease and less resistance.

If you haven’t had experience working on others before, don’t worry! We’ve taught this method to hundreds of people — including an 8-year-old boy. You will succeed!

If you are already a practitioner of some kind, unless you are already getting the results you want, The Biofield Healing Immersion® Training will be an essential tool in your healing toolkit and will typically speed up the entire healing process for your clients.

Biofield Healing Immersion® is a modality that literally anyone can do. This training program is designed to give you the information and foundational experience you need, in the order you need it. The people you work with will get results. Will you master it overnight to the level Debora has? Probably not. But you certainly can and will over time IF you are willing to show up, ask questions, and practice what you learn.

That’s why we spend a solid month working on YOU… on your own Biofield, to help you clear out the fears and false beliefs that do come up. Remember, you can only take someone as far as you’ve gone yourself, so we’ll uncover the hidden roots to your worries and doubts, and release anxiety and the false limitations and “blocks” you may be facing, freeing you up to do this powerful work with more confidence.

I absolutely guarantee you can do it. Before the end of the training you’ll see that you, yes you, will facilitate healing results for people.

The best part is that this doesn’t just benefit others — you’ll find yourself evolving personally and spiritually as well as you deepen your connection to your inner self, to a higher power, and to the invisible quantum realm.

In short, YES! Everyone including your friends and/or family members will benefit from having someone like you to turn to who is well-versed in Biofield Healing Immersion®.

Considering that the average hospital stay costs over $15,000 (not including medication, surgery, or treatment), the savings over a lifetime could be tens of thousands of dollars — making this skill an extremely worthwhile investment.

You will be able to start practicing Biofield Healing Immersion® with volunteers and with other members of the group during this initial foundational training. Upon completion, some people find they are totally ready to start taking clients. Many people require some additional mentoring to become “pro”. You’ll have the option to enroll in “Becoming Pro” and receive further business training once you complete this course to equip you with advanced skills and the experienced mentoring needed to start taking paying clients.

Whether you’re already a massage therapist, medical doctor, reiki practitioner, yoga instructor, health coach, or any other type of healing or service provider, this advanced training will help you take your professional abilities to the next level.

And if you’re new to working with clients, the Level 2 training will prepare you with the skills needed to start taking clients professionally so you can set your own schedule, and work with people all over the world.

Unlike a self-paced study program that you run this risk of purchasing but not using, the Biofield Healing Immersion® Training happens entirely live — and we do require participants to show up to the weekly live calls in order to receive maximum results.

The good news is that you will be able to download the replays to your computer for lifetime access so that you can review all of the lessons. Whenever, wherever.

Ready to Learn the Method That’s Been Proven to Remove Suffering at the Root, Becomes More Valuable with Time, and Changes Your Vibration Safely and Rapidly So You Can Evolve Personally, Professionally, and Spiritually?


Practitioner Training Course BEGINS Tuesday May 28th, 2024
TIME: 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern

Meets for 14 consecutive weeks on Tuesdays at 5pm Pacific***


Option 1

Full Payment
$ 3500 1 Payment
  • Class begins May 28th
  • Registration closes June 3rd

Option 2

Payment Plan
$ 1925 2 Payments
  • Class begins May 28th
  • Registration closes June 3rd
*** IMPORTANT: This is a LIVE Course held on Zoom Video.  Attendance is mandatory. No More Than One Class may be missed without special written permission from Debora due to the HIGHLY EXPERIENTIAL NATURE OF THIS COURSE. This is not a “Do-It-Yourself” Course where you study, memorize, and watch videos on your own. You’ll be receiving Energetic Transmissions each week on the Live Zoom Calls plus important mentoring from Debora, and you’ll be participating on multiple levels including physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, energetically. This course is transformative and life-changing!

Questions About the Training?

Email us at: [email protected]

Share This Training

If you have friends, colleagues, family members, or associates whom you feel would benefit from this training, please feel free to forward this information to them or have them email: [email protected] to apply.

Follow Debora:

DISCLAIMER: The information, materials, and attachments contained herein are designed for educational purposes only and may not be reproduced in any manner or format without specific written permission from Debora Wayne, LLC. This information is not designed or intended to provide guarantees of any kind nor to be considered medical advice, medical diagnosis, or medical treatment. Debora Wayne LLC, The Biofield Healing Institute®, International Chronic Pain Institute® and any and all associates of Debora Wayne LLC, and/or The Biofield Healing Institute®, International Chronic Pain Institute® shall not be responsible or liable for any medical, financial, or other claims inferred from these materials. You are solely responsible for continuing with your own medical treatment and care. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. © 2022 Debora Wayne, LLC. All rights reserved.

International Chronic Pain Institute® – 2683 Via de la Valle Suite G606 Del Mar, CA 92014 – Email: [email protected] – Office: 760-704-8118

© 2022 Debora Wayne, LLC. All rights reserved.


To Attend Next Practitioner Training Program
Coming Soon!!