Louis H., Orange, CA
“I have had two knee operations and a 2 inch plate implanted in my neck. I have been in constant pain for years – since 2000. The doctors have prescribed pain medicines from Vicodin to Valium for muscle spasms. I was willing to try anything to stop my chronic pain. On my first visit with Debora, I was skeptical. I was totally surprised at the response of my body to her treatment. It was like a weight being lifted from inside and brought up and out of my body…like everything that was twisted was being straightened and tension being released. It was unbelievable because she didn’t touch me at all. Remember, I had already tried everything – Acupuncture, Acupressure, and all types of other physical treatments. None had ever felt like this. I felt so good after the treatment, there was relief from pain showing in my face, and my attitude was now more optimistic. I don’t have to take pain medication or muscle relaxers any longer. I haven’t felt this good in years. This spiritual healing from Debora Wayne, is real. I was healed from the inside out. It lasts , it works, and the only side effect is better health. THANK YOU”