to the

Pain Free Living ProgramTM

With Your Host:

Debora Wayne

Founder & CEO of ICPI

Pain Release and Energy Healing Specialist

Archived Recordings

December 29, 2021

Debora teaches a wildly important technique today guaranteed to help you experience greater Joy, Love, Health & Success in your body, mind, spirit, relationships, career…in every area of your life!
Learn to FIND THE GAP and CELEBRATE YOU !!!  Bring pen and paper and Don’t Miss This Important Call. 

December 28, 2021

Bring Pen and Paper and Join in on today’s Experiential Call as Debora guides you in a powerful Pain Free Living Meditation.
Out with the Old Pain and IN with New Joy, Peace, Life and Light.

December 22, 2021

What’s CONNECTION got to do with healing?  Listen to this important call with pen and paper in hand as Debora guides you through an  experiential process that leads to greater awareness and health in all areas of your life!  Enjoy and Happy Happy Holidays! 

December 15, 2021

What to do when termites show up, pain & anxiety flares up, your flight gets canceled, and people, places, and things don’t go your way!
Tips, Tools, and a Guided Meditation to Help YOU Stay Sane and Serene no matter what.

December 8, 2021

On Today’s Call EXPERIENCE a HighSpeed Healing® session. Listen in as Debora and participants share more about their interesting, colorful, unusual, Multi-dimensional experiences that may occur during HighSpeed Healing sessions.

December 7, 2021

Be Sure to listen to this entire call and Discover the Hidden Reasons for Pain, Symptoms, and Suffering that are hidden from your view!

December 1, 2021

Don’t Miss this lively discussion on MASCULINE & FEMININE ENERGY and how this is expressing (or not expressing) in your physical and mental health, your relationships, finances, romances, sense of purpose, and more! Grab pen and paper as Debora takes you step by step thru an exercise to transform past hurts, pain, and traumatic experiences, and brings in greater health, happiness and high energy.

November 24, 2021

Listen to this week’s call with Debora and stay in the high frequencies of GRATITUDE & LOVE.  Happy Holidays to those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving!  

November 17, 2021

If you find yourself challenged with “holiday stress”, insomnia, financial worries, over-giving, a never-ending To Do list, worrying about others or any form of “stress”,  don’t miss this week’s call. 
Discover the Real Root Causes of “Stress” and DEBORA’S TOP TIPS & TOOLS to get a Good Night’s Sleep and stay Healthy throughout the Holidays.  
P.S. Be sure to participate in the Guided Exercise at the end of the call, and discover a Powerful Tool for making decisions and alleviating mental, emotional, and physical stress.

November 16, 2021


TIPS & TOOLS TO RELEASE STRESS, Overwhelm, Anxiety & Pain. Experience Greater PEACE This Holiday Season! (You’ll want to take notes so be sure to bring pen and paper to this call).

November 10, 2021

This week’s call reveals that your body is an expression of your state of consciousness and how HighSpeed Healing ® sessions work to effortlessly shift your consciousness into a greater state of harmony. Be sure to check out the great questions that came up at the end of today’s call and Experience a HighSpeed Healing ® session for yourself!

November 3, 2021

FOOD * FAMILY * FEELINGS – The Holiday Season is upon us!  This week Debora discusses FOOD & FAMILY.  Discover tools to help you have a positive experience with food, family and feelings, and not get stuck in repeating past dysfunctional patterns that create pain, symptoms and suffering. 

BE SURE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE “Create Your Ideal Holiday” GUIDED MEDITATION at the end of the call.  

October 27, 2021

How to Handle and Transform Challenging/Draining/Difficult Relationships!
On today’s call, Debora teaches you a specific method that has the potential to rapidly heal relationships, develop greater connection and feel closer to others, feel more seen and heard, express yourself and your truth more simply, honestly, & easily. Practicing this one skill has the power to transform ALL of your relationships. Enjoy!

Click here for the PFLP Handout

October 26, 2021


Be Sure to listen to this entire call and Discover the Hidden Reasons for Pain, Symptoms, and Suffering that are hidden from your view!

October 20, 2021

The Power of Beliefs!  How are your beliefs affecting your health, your symptoms, your life, your relationships and more?  This week on HSHU we examine the thoughts, emotions, actions and choices that lead to what we DON’T want.  Be sure and  Practice the HomeWork Exercise to completely RE-WIRE  old beliefs, patterns of guilt, shame, self-criticism and more.  Take back your power, find inner peace and feel good about yourself starting now.

October 13, 2021

Enjoy this week’s HighSpeed Healing session and discover the difference between Recorded HighSpeed Healing sessions and LIVE HighSpeed Healing Sessions, AND what should you think if it’s very quiet during your session experience?

October 6, 2021

Tales from a Wild Trip to Mexico; Expectations; Et’s AND a Bonus HighSpeed Healing Session!

September 22, 2021


Refer to the Chat notes here.

September 21, 2021


“PAIN-FREE LIVING” – Discover the Hidden Reasons and New Solutions (backed by Science) for Chronic Stress, Pain, Trauma, Anxiety, Depression and Much More! Be sure to listen to the great Q & A on this call!

September 15, 2021

PRACTICAL TIPS & TOOLS for the never-ending, messy, up and down journey of GROWTH and moving into your highest potential.

Refer to the Chat notes here.

September 8, 2021

Experience Your Monthly HighSpeed Energy Healing Session on today’s call PLUS Debora answers questions from the group and discusses what she feels when scanning your energy field. 

September 7, 2021


The Keys to Pain Free Living PLUS Guided Breathing Technique to Create Instant Calm, Clarity, Comfort in your Body, Mind and Spirit

September 1, 2021

On today’s call discover why fighting your existing reality NEVER creates the change you desire.  Learn a fast and easy new way to Raise Your Vibration (on your own) to a higher state of Love, Health, Peace, Joy and More.

BE SURE to participate in the GUIDED MEDITATION at the end of the call!

August 25, 2021

How to shift from tension, stress & dis-ease into a higher state of Consciousness.  Discover the Big “C’s” that are affecting your mind, body, energy & spirit! 

 Experience Debora’s “Love Blast” guided meditation.   Shift your vibrational frequency immediately and experience LOVE, the highest vibration of all.

Refer to the Chat Notes Here.

August 19, 2021

On this call participate with Debora and the other group members in a process of Deep Inquiry into your pain, patterns, symptoms.  Have pen and paper handy and be prepared for important ah-ha moments!  

Refer to questions and comments in the Chat Notes.

August 17, 2021


Be Sure to listen to this entire call and Discover the Hidden Reasons for Pain, Symptoms, and Suffering that are hidden from your view! There’s Great Q and A on this call that will help you figure things out!

August 11, 2021

Discover the Science that makes HighSpeed Distance Healing possible!

Experience HighSpeed Healing for yourself this week.


August 4, 2021

It’s Q&A Day!

Listen in on deep conversations, progress reports, success stories, new awarenesses and important questions that came up as Debora speaks with HSHU members.  

Discover more about the Biofield, what happens during HighSpeed Healing Sessions, and the invisible hidden reasons for pain and symptoms.  

July 28, 2021

The Invisible Realm!

Enjoy a Deep Discussion and a Guided Meditation to help you Understand and Feel more comfortable with the invisible realm of energy, spirit, higher-power, God, Love, and how this may benefit your health, happiness, and sense of connection to life.

Don’t miss today’s call!  

July 27, 2021

BONUS CALL: Learn To Live Pain Free

*** SPECIAL BONUS: You are invited to attend Debora’s upcoming Day of HighSpeed Healing Immersion® .  Receive Half Off the entire tuition AND AN ADDITIONAL $25 OFF as a way of saying Thank You for being a treasured member of the HighSpeed Healing Universe™.
*** Use your SPECIAL COUPON CODE 25off at Checkout. 
Learn More & Register HERE:  internationalcpi.com/dohps

July 21, 2021

How to CREATE anything you want! 

Discover the INNER TECHNOLOGY you can start using today to create greater health, happiness, and even material things, as Debora guides you through the actual CREATION process. 

*** SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT You are invited to attend Debora’s upcoming Day of HighSpeed Healing Immersion® .  Receive Half Off the entire tuition AND AN ADDITIONAL $25 OFF as a way of saying Thank You for being a treasured member of the HighSpeed Healing Universe™.

*** Use your SPECIAL COUPON CODE 25off at Checkout.
Learn More & Register HERE:  internationalcpi.com/dohps

July 14, 2021

PARTICIPATE this week in a HighSpeed Healing® Session! 

Listen to this call and Gain a better understanding of ENERGY FIELDS and how it affects everything including your health, your relationships and every area of your life.  BE SURE TO CHECK OUT the Chat Notes for a powerful exercise designed to help you gain clarity, achieve goals and dreams, and to clean up your energy field. 

Download Chat

July 7, 2021

How to Reach Your Pain Free Living Goals In The Fastest Way Possible!

Debora guides you through a Powerful Technique helping you get UNstuck from pain and patterns, and to Rapidly feel more ease & energy in the Present moment, and more Hopeful about your Future.

June 30, 2021

Feeling Stuck & Blocked? Wondering why you don’t heal?

Be Sure to listen to this Entire Call for important tools, techniques and questions designed to help you uncover the hidden reasons, unconscious patterns and much more that may be standing in your way. 

June 23, 2021

How Your HABITS Create Your HEALTH

Debora discusses the power of habits and ways to create greater ease, energy, strength, balance and more, in your physical body and in ALL areas of your life! Have pen and paper handy for this call.

June 16, 2021

What’s love got to do with it?

What do Expectations, Thoughts & Feelings have to do with Pain, Over-eating, Blood Pressure & Symptoms of Illness???

June 9, 2021

Don’t Miss This HighSpeed Healing Session

Enjoy today’s discussion on THE ENERGY FIELD and how thoughts and emotions affect your body… then tune in for the HighSpeed Energy Healing session.  The frequencies were particularly sublime, soothing and wonderful today!  BE SURE to Stay Until the very end and listen to what people in the group experienced!  Much Love to you all! 

June 2, 2021

HSHW – Why people don’t heal

On Today’s call, Debora reviews the fundamentals of WHY PEOPLE DON’T HEAL, what makes HighSpeed Healing™ different, Plus takes Q & A from the group. 

Discover the 3 areas you must work on if you want to truly heal the roots of all types of pain, patterns, and symptoms.  

*** EXPERIENCE A GUIDED MEDITATION for greater Ease, Love, and Inner Peace starting right now!

May 26, 2021

What can you discover & learn from your pain, patterns, symptoms?

Includes a Full Body Awareness Meditation

May 19, 2021

Why Do I Still Hurt even though
I’ve been working on myself for years!!!

Debora discusses the “blindspots” and hidden reasons for pain, patterns, & symptoms AND
why you may feel Worse before you feel Better.

May 12, 2021

Discover the power of your Biofield!
The Biofield holds the key to
both health and sickness.

Experience a HighSpeed Healing session
on this week’s call. ENJOY!

May 5, 2021

HSHW – Debora discusses the benefits of combining Meditation and HighSpeed Healing™ 

PLUS . . . Live Q and A: Healing Autoimmune Disorders, Root causes of Pain, Protecting yourself from EMFs, Grounding, Anxiety & Depression, and so much more!

April 28, 2021

Practice this #1 TOOL to RELEASE fears, anxiety, worry, tension, doubt, pain, dis-ease . . . and START FEELING more joy, peace, love, strength, ease, freedom, focus, productivity, creativity, intuition, and more!

April 21, 2021

How to RELAX & RELEASE Stress,
Worry, Overwhelm, Tension, Pain, and More!

Get in the “ZEN ZONE” this week as Debora
guides you through a relaxation technique
you’ll want to practice again and again.

April 14, 2021

HSHW – What’s Happiness Got
To Do With Your Bone Health . . .
Backaches . . . Tech Neck, Energy??

A Very Special Guest Bonus Call
with Margie Bissinger: Happiness Trainer,
Author, Educator, Physical Therapist,
AND Osteoporosis Expert!


1. 50% OFF Happy Me, Happy Life
Happiness and Reset Program
2. Happy Bones, Happy Life Program
for Optimal Bone Health

FREE GIFTS from Margie:
1. 7-Day Happiness Habits Journal
2. Posture Exercises

April 14, 2021

Debora Discusses:
What’s Happening During HighSpeed Healing?

AND . . . Experience a
HighSpeed Healing Session Today!!

April 7, 2021

Just a few of the many Great Questions/Topics discussed on this week’s call:
Why and How Pain shows up in the body;

The relationship between Anger and Pain;
Can Tumors be healed with HighSpeed
Energy Healing; What causes Numbness;
Why it’s important to get OUT of
Fight/Flight/Freeze Mode . . . and MUCH MORE! 

a short Demonstration Session of
HighSpeed Energy Healing!

March 31, 2021

What do you want
in your health and your life?

Guided Meditation to Find
and Create Your Heart’s Desires.

March 24, 2021

How to Solve
Your Problems & Get Your Body,
Mind, & Mood on the Right Track

March 17, 2021

HSHW Lift Your Spirit & Your FACE!!!
with Special Guest Trina Felber

Non-Surgical Facelift Kit. Erase fine lines, puffiness, pillow-face, dark circles, and dull, saggy skin. Achieve post-workout glow, deep cleaning, and better blood flow for your skin.

March 17, 2021

HighSpeed Healing Session
+ Q & A

March 10, 2021

PART 2 – VISION! A deeper LOOK at
all things vision PLUS EYE EXERCISES
to strengthen and tone your eyes.

Practice Practice Practice. Enjoy!

March 3, 2021

The Hidden Reasons for Chronic Pain,
Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, Insomnia,
Migraines, and Chronic Conditions!

a short HighSpeed Energy Healing
demonstration session!

February 24, 2021

HighSpeed Healing Session
+ Q & A

February 24, 2021

HSHW – Leading-Edge Oral Healing Hacks for Teeth, Gums, Skin, Physical Health, & More!

**** SPECIAL OFFER: Whiten Your Teeth Naturally with ZERO peroxides or chemicals
AND Oral Detox Kit at 60% OFF Regular Price*
(PLEASE NOTE: The Dental Detox Box
was just awarded the PARENT TESTED

February 17, 2021

Part 1 of 2 Parts: Vision

Seeing Things Differently: A NEW
Understanding of Vision/Seeing/Eyesight
+ The Hidden Reasons for Eye Problems

February 10, 2021

The Health of Your Kids,
Grandkids, and your OWN Inner Child!

Thoughts on ADD, ADHD Visualization
to Awaken the Playful,
Joyful, Creative Child within you!

February 3, 2021

Dealing with Digestion/Gut Issues, Anger, Abuse, Addictions, Money issues and More!!!

Don’t Miss This Week’s Call; it’s Powerful and jam-packed with life-changing information and tips.

January 27, 2021

Debora discusses Where and
How do
we find Inner Peace, Power,
Trust, Ease, a Higher Power, Healing?

to assist you, your loved ones,
all those on the planet who are suffering.

January 20, 2021

A New Way of Looking at Food.

Discover One of the Most
Intimate Relationships You’ll Ever Have!!

January 13, 2021

HighSpeed Healing Session + Q & A


January 13, 2021


January 6, 2021

The HighSpeed Solution
to Heal Pain, Patterns & Symptoms
MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: From time to time you may receive emails from me endorsing other people, products, and services. In some of these cases I may enter into an affiliate relationship with some of these providers of goods and services, and I may be compensated when you purchase from them. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline. There are NO medical or financial claims or guarantees of any kind implied here whatsoever.

Follow Debora:

DISCLAIMER: The information, materials, and attachments contained herein are designed for educational purposes only and may not be reproduced in any manner or format without specific written permission from Debora Wayne, LLC. This information is not designed or intended to provide guarantees of any kind nor to be considered medical advice, medical diagnosis, or medical treatment. Debora Wayne LLC, The Biofield Healing Institute®, International Chronic Pain Institute® and any and all associates of Debora Wayne LLC, and/or The Biofield Healing Institute®, International Chronic Pain Institute® shall not be responsible or liable for any medical, financial, or other claims inferred from these materials. You are solely responsible for continuing with your own medical treatment and care. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. © 2022 Debora Wayne, LLC. All rights reserved.

International Chronic Pain Institute® – 2683 Via de la Valle Suite G606 Del Mar, CA 92014 – Email: [email protected] – Office: 760-704-8118

© 2022 Debora Wayne, LLC. All rights reserved.