Work Virtually With Debora 1:1

VIP HighSpeed Healing Intensive


Founder & CEO, International Chronic Pain Institute®

Healing Your Chronic Pain Deserves a Premium-Level Service.

Debora Wayne works with a select group of clients in a one-on-one setting. This is an application-only opportunity.

The best way for our team at The International Chronic Pain Institute® to serve as many clients as we do is through our

Pain-Free Living Program® E-course TOGETHER WITH Live Group Calls

Thousands of participants from over 160 different countries have found healing through The Pain-Free Living Program®  E-course
IN COMBINATION WITH HighSpeed Healing Live Group Calls.

If you’re looking for a self-paced experiential program that provides world-class results, check out
The Pain-Free Living Program®  
E-course IN COMBINATION WITH our HighSpeed Healing Live Group Calls.

If you prefer working 1:1 with exclusive VIP access to Debora Wayne, keep reading…

Working one-on-one with Debora Wayne is an application-only opportunity.
Simply having the financial means DOES NOT qualify you for this VIP experience.

Debora Wayne invested 35-plus years on her own personal and professional healing journey and discovered how to help herself and others break free from chronic pain, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, trauma, binge-eating,
and a wide range of other chronic, often “mysterious” conditions.
She now brings her leading-edge Pain-Free Living Program® E-course amplified by her proprietary
HighSpeed Energy HealingTM sessions into a deeply personal and customized healing experience for select private clients.

The Pain-Free Living Program® comes to life in a personal way even more working one-on-one with Debora.

How Do You Know If You’re a Great Fit to Work With Debora?

First, some suggestions to help you identify if you’re a great fit to work one-on-one with Debora.

You are NOT a great fit if…

  • You are stuck in the ‘blame game’ and unteachable. Chances are if you’ve been suffering for a while you may have already tried many different things to try and get rid of your pain and symptoms, and unfortunately you may also feel very angry and frustrated that nothing has worked for you. Pain can and does often bring out the worst in us and magnify our fear, anger, and resentment, but if you are unwilling to stop placing the blame for your pain and symptoms outside of yourself, then working with Debora will not be a good fit for you.
  • You’re unwilling to try a revolutionary approach that may go against what you’ve always been told or led to believe about chronic pain. We understand part of the HighSpeed HealingTM method may be ‘outside the box’ for you at first, but if you’re willing to trust Debora and her leading-edge process, then you too may experience amazing results just like thousands of other clients have from 160 different countries. You may be completely surprised to discover what IS possible for you (even though nothing else you’ve tried has worked!)
  • You don’t have the financial means to invest in your healing process. This is a premium-level value at a premium-level investment where you’ll have 100% of Debora’s eyes, ears, insight and years of experience laser-focused and devoted to you, and only you. If you’re not ready to invest at this level, we do offer the Pain-Free Living Program® at two other more affordable investment levels, and you’ll find these to be excellent and effective choices.
  • You expect Debora to have a “magic wand” effect where all your pain vanishes instantly. Yes, Debora is known around the world for facilitating a profound method of healing known as HighSpeed Healing™. There ARE many people who experience total freedom from pain and other conditions immediately when they work with her, however that is not always the case. For some, healing happens at a slower, more gradual pace, and even more importantly, for everyone it requires participation to some degree, otherwise you may unknowingly bring your symptoms back. This is why you need a guide who truly understands this phenomenon and what to do about it.

You MAY be a great fit if…

  • You’re open to trying a safe, non-drug, unique, and highly effective modality that has been revolutionizing the field of health and wellness.
  • You’re 100% ready and willing to make working with Debora a priority in your schedule and attention. You have the patience and resilience to complete the sessions to the best of your ability. Healing can sometimes take longer than you may like, but many clients do experience noticeable changes starting in the very first session. Of course, we cannot and do not make any guarantees since everyone’s case is different, so we ask for you to be patient and stick with the entire program the way it’s laid out to reap the greatest benefits.

What are the Application Qualifications for Working One-on-One With Debora?

There are a number of factors that Debora considers to determine whether you may be accepted as a 1:1 client. The following characteristics are part of the criteria under consideration:

  • Your Pain level and/or Severity of Symptoms – Level of Urgency
  • Extent and frequency of chronic pain (and/or other symptoms or conditions)
  • Prior experiences trying to heal before connecting with ICPI
  • Current modalities you may be pursuing at this time to relieve your pain and symptoms
  • Personality type – Are you teachable, coachable, open to suggestions, and willing to change?
  • Financial capabilities – We have no interest in putting you under extreme financial duress. Again, that’s where the Live Group Pain-Free Living Program® E-course along with the Live Online Group Calls may be a great solution if finances are a challenge right now.
  • Schedule availability

What Is the Investment for Working One-on-One With Debora?

The opportunity to work one-on-one with Debora Wayne is NORMALLY a one-time investment of $5,000 USD*** for four appointments that are recommended to be completed over a one-month time period (or in some cases sooner).

*** HOWEVER, due to the current situation and financial stress that many
are going through there is a temporary change in effect.
The investment for the VIP 1:1 Healing Intensive with Debora is currently $3800.

(Subject to change without prior notice)

(Appointments must be completed within two months max).

One month is the minimum commitment to work directly with Debora. Many people work with Debora privately for one or two months and then move into the live group program when they need less 1:1 support.

If you’re accepted, you have the choice to start with only one month and we’ll re-evaluate from there to determine what may be best for you.

If you’re accepted to work with Debora 1:1, you will receive:

If you believe you’re a great fit and qualified to work with Debora, please complete your application to start the evaluation process.

Follow Debora:

DISCLAIMER: The information, materials, and attachments contained herein are designed for educational purposes only and may not be reproduced in any manner or format without specific written permission from Debora Wayne, LLC. This information is not designed or intended to provide guarantees of any kind nor to be considered medical advice, medical diagnosis, or medical treatment. Debora Wayne LLC, The Biofield Healing Institute®, International Chronic Pain Institute® and any and all associates of Debora Wayne LLC, and/or The Biofield Healing Institute®, International Chronic Pain Institute® shall not be responsible or liable for any medical, financial, or other claims inferred from these materials. You are solely responsible for continuing with your own medical treatment and care. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. © 2022 Debora Wayne, LLC. All rights reserved.

International Chronic Pain Institute® – 2683 Via de la Valle Suite G606 Del Mar, CA 92014 – Email: [email protected] – Office: 760-704-8118

© 2022 Debora Wayne, LLC. All rights reserved.