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Founder & CEO, International Chronic Pain Institute®

If You’re Still Suffering Despite Trying Every Drug, Supplement, Surgery, Newest ‘Therapy’, or Latest ‘Diet’…

…Here’s 3 Fundamental Reasons Why:


You are NOT alone – The National Academy of Sciences estimates more than 100 million U.S. adults suffer from chronic unrelieved pain and other chronic symptoms and conditions on a regular basis. (This fundamentally means something is VERY WRONG with the “healing”
SYSTEM, with the way we try to “fix” chronic pain, dis-ease symptoms, and chronic conditions. This is not YOUR fault).


Most Methods Only Treat ‘Symptoms’ rather than resolving and removing the true ‘root cause’ (So your pain and symptoms never leave and they keep coming back)


The Conventional Medical Industry rarely, if ever, looks at the overwhelmingly positive evidence of Energy Healing and your Biofield (Energy Field) as the KEY to health. (Even when there is abundant research AND evidence that’s scientifically measurable with sophisticated equipment)

It doesn’t have to be this way and for many of my happy clients, they no longer live in a world crippled by pain and dis-ease!


Living with chronic illness, anxiety, depression, takes and pain away your joy, your energy, your time, and your money. It prevents you from doing the things you love, creates challenges in your relationships and career, and robs you of your peace, your freedom, and enthusiasm when you should be enjoying every minute of your one and only life.

However, there is new, leading-edge help and healing available to you now! If you’re willing to take this journey with me, and finally understand why you have felt stuck, blocked and unable to find relief for your chronic pain, depression, anxiety, trauma, battles with food, weight, binge-eating, insomnia and other “mysterious” chronic conditions, then let me show you the deeper, hidden reasons for your pain, symptoms and suffering from:

Chronic Physical Pain

Chronic Joint Pain “Inflammation”

Migraine Headaches

Trauma from Accidents, Injuries, Surgery

Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Insomnia  Sleep Disturbances

Chronic Fatigue


Digestive Drama

Weight Issues




Immune Weakness

Always “feeling sick”

Unexplained ‘Mystery” Symptoms

Painful Dysfunctional Relationships

Childhood Trauma

Our world-renowned method of healing does require you to at least be somewhat open-minded to trying a new approach and to be ready and willing to accept that there is a different way, a safe, non-drug, more rapid way to achieve a healthy, happy, high-energy life. You’ve also got nothing to lose especially if you have already tried all the conventional (and even alternative) health approaches yet little to nothing has changed for you.

Introducing the Pain-Free Living “Intro” Program®

Think about how different your life would be if you were able to:

A Personal Note from Debora…

Debora Wayne
Founder and CEO
Pain Release and Energy Healing Expert
Originator, High Speed Healingtm Method

Hello My Friend,

Welcome…I’m so glad you found your way here.

If you’ve been suffering from stress or pain of any kind, including chronic physical pain, anxiety, depression, trauma, worry, overwhelm, insomnia, digestive issues, headaches, or other “mysterious” symptoms…

If your pain and symptoms are getting in the way of your ability to be your best self at work, running your team or company, or being there for your children and family, or it keeps you from enjoying your hobbies, your friends, or anything else that’s important to you in life…

You have come to the right place. My mission is to provide you with a safe space and with proven tools and insights that you need to get and stay strong, healthy, full of energy and vitality, and become hopeful about your future.

Please do not give up hope! AND….Don’t just accept pain and dis-ease symptoms as “normal” or choose to passively stand by letting it get worse and hoping for the best”!

I’m an expert with a Unique Solution that works and that has been validated by thousands around the world. I would be honored to take you on the transformational healing journey to Pain Free Living. I do this without ever asking you to take drugs, PT, endless therapies, or give up the foods you love.

If you truly desire greater ease, joy & freedom…

…then I invite you to join me in the Pain Free LIving “Intro” Program today

Ready to start living pain and dis-ease free? (hot link)

If you’re here, you’ve probably already tried a lot of different ways to stop your
chronic pain or fix your mysterious symptoms or chronic condition but nothing
has worked. So how do you know if the Pain-Free Living Intro Program is for you?

IF you want to use Peaceful, Powerful, Spiritual & Scientific Principles to manifest your ideal life, career, relationships, money, health and more

IF you are tired of conventional thinking that keeps you feeling small, stuck, limited and feeling like a powerless victim

IF you want leading-edge "Non drug" NATURAL SOLUTIONS for your Mental, Emotional & Physical Health

IF you want the support of a mentor who has a proven track record of creating massive change both personally and professionally for tens of thousands around the world

The Pain-Free Living Intro Program is a great way to create powerful change in your life and is a positive first step towards getting the help and healing you need!

What can you expect from the PAIN FREE LIVING PROGRAM® – INTRO PROGRAM?

One private 1:1 DEEP DISCOVERY SESSION - Debora’s eyes, ears, intuition, and years of expertise to help you identify your blind spots and the obstacles standing in the way of your healing ($550 Value)

Your Deep Discovery Session also includes a HighSpeed Energy Healing™ session facilitated by Debora (Value: $375)

PFLP E-course: includes 60 days access to all course materials: * 8 pre- recorded masterclasses * companion worksheets * self-care tools & techniques * PLUS pre-recorded HighSpeed Healing™ session for daily home use ($997 Value)

Action plan for moving forward with greater clarity, awareness, and confidence

One follow-up private email with Debora after your Discovery Session with comments and suggested recommendations

Total Value: $1922

Total Investment: $997

Limited Time Offer
If you’re ready to step into a life that brings you more pleasure and less pain, then I invite you to join me in taking the first step on your journey to health and pain- free living!

Follow Debora:

DISCLAIMER: The information, materials, and attachments contained herein are designed for educational purposes only and may not be reproduced in any manner or format without specific written permission from Debora Wayne, LLC. This information is not designed or intended to provide guarantees of any kind nor to be considered medical advice, medical diagnosis, or medical treatment. Debora Wayne LLC, The Biofield Healing Institute®, International Chronic Pain Institute® and any and all associates of Debora Wayne LLC, and/or The Biofield Healing Institute®, International Chronic Pain Institute® shall not be responsible or liable for any medical, financial, or other claims inferred from these materials. You are solely responsible for continuing with your own medical treatment and care. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. © 2022 Debora Wayne, LLC. All rights reserved.

International Chronic Pain Institute® – 2683 Via de la Valle Suite G606 Del Mar, CA 92014 – Email: [email protected] – Office: 760-704-8118

© 2022 Debora Wayne, LLC. All rights reserved.