A Personal Note from Debora Wayne…
Hello My Friend,
Welcome…I’m so glad you found your way here.
If you’ve been suffering from stress or pain of any kind, including chronic physical pain, anxiety, depression, trauma, worry, overwhelm, insomnia, digestive issues, headaches, or other painful symptoms…
If your pain is getting in the way of your ability to be your best self at work, running your team or company, or being there for your children and family, or it keeps you from enjoying your hobbies, your friends, or anything else that’s important to you in life…
You have come to the right place. My mission is to provide you with a safe space and the exact tools that you need to get and stay strong, healthy, full of energy and vitality, and become hopeful about your future as you navigate these “unusual” times of great change and uncertainty that we are experiencing.
There is nothing like a global health crisis, being quarantined, out of work, financial instability, political unrest, racism, and violence to cause extraordinary pain and stress to flare up!
Please do not give up hope! AND….Don’t just accept pain as “normal” or choose to passively stand by letting it get worse and hoping for the best”!
I’m an expert with a unique Solution proven to work and am honored to take you on the profound healing journey to Pain Free Living and will do this without ever asking you to take drugs, PT, endless therapies, or give up the foods you love.
If you’ve tried to heal, but your pain hasn’t budged…
If you’ve been struggling with your condition for so long that you or people around you are starting to think it’s never going to change, or even worse, that it’s all in your head?
I’m here to assure you…
This is NOT all in your head.
Nothing, including your pain, is permanent.
You can resolve this with the right help.
You will find it when you ask the right questions.
Healing can be easier than you think and doesn't have to take Forever!
You’ve searched and searched and perhaps been working on yourself for years, but you haven’t found an answer out there to give you a long term solution for your pain.
Would you be open to a different solution that has proven to get results for thousands of men and women around the world?
IF…you would be willing to take one day for yourself.. A day designed to Release Your Pain, Recharge Your Energy, Get UNstuck, and allow deep healing so that your body, mind, spirit, and life begin flowing and moving in the right direction… then please Join Me for…
A Revolutionary Non-Drug Solution for Chronic Pain, Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, Battles with Weight, Binge-Eating, Burnout and more
Say Goodbye to Your Pain
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☆Spend a single day with DIRECT ACCESS to Debora Wayne,
☆Founder & CEO of The International Chronic Pain Institute™
☆World-renowned for Healing Pain
☆Creator of the HighSpeed Healing™ method
☆30 + years of expertise
You’ll most likely be amazed when you experience the changes that are possible for you. How does having more Energy, Freedom & Joy sound?
Many past participants have reported the elimination of severe pain that had gone on for years…Others reported feeling a new sense of Hope & a Clear Mind where there used to be brain fog, stress, anxiety. This and more is possible for YOU, too…
You don’t have to travel to be a part of this very unique event! You will simply call in by phone or connect over the internet to my private Zoom room, and experience the power of HighSpeed HealingTM for for yourself from the comfort of your own home.
You’ll feel empowered by Debora’s personal help as she shows you exactly how to release your pain, patterns, and suffering.
It could be depression, anxiety, trauma, struggles with weight, digestion, yo-yo dieting, binge-eating, insomnia, money pain, abusive relationships, the list goes on.
If whatever you put in that blank causes you frustration, emotional upset, financial worry, ongoing stress, or just irritates the living daylights out of you, then you are in the right place.
If you haven’t heard my story, let it suffice to say for now that I was once curled in a ball on my closet floor, crying my eyes out, screaming “WHY ME?” and praying for a solution to the suffering that had plagued me for years.
The energy you spend on this never-ending search is most likely wearing you out and adding to your stress. Believe me, I get it! I have been down this exact road.
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(Debora will describe this in detail before we begin – just know for now that you don’t have to do anything to prepare and that it’s been been shown in a science lab to provide 6 times the pain DECREASE and energy INCREASE when compared to other healing methods. Past clients and participants have reported complete elimination of Chronic pain, Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Chronic Fatigue, Trauma, Battles with Food, Weight, Binge-Eating, Insomnia, Immune Weakness, Seizures, Spinal issues, and MANY other chronic conditions… and even when nothing else they tried had worked).
You are strongly encouraged to reserve the entire day as a Special Day of Self-Care totally for you.
If for any reason you cannot attend this special day live, you are welcome to attend any portion you can OR only use the recordings later. The recordings are just as powerful (some people like the recordings best! ).
The MP3 recordings will be delivered to your inbox within 48 hours of the live event. You’ll have 5 days of unlimited access to listen again and again AND receive HighSpeed Healing™ Sessions.
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DEBORA WAYNE, is the CEO and Founder of The International Chronic Pain Institute®. She is a world-renowned pain healing practitioner whose expertise is helping men and women to rapidly remove the often hidden, mysterious causes of Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue, Depression and Anxiety, Trauma, struggles with Weight, Binge-Eating, BurnOut and more. Her life-changing proprietary HighSpeed Energy Healing™ Method helps people enjoy life once again, be more productive, confident, focused, and be the leaders they are meant to be.
Many of Debora’s past clients have reported complete and total healing of severe pain symptoms and chronic conditions even though nothing else worked.
Since recovering from her own “health hell” over 3O years ago, Debora has been immersed both personally and professionally in the Healing Arts.
She has personally helped tens of thousands of people in 150 countries to release their pain, re-charge their energy, and get their lives back on track.
Her proven programs feature a life-changing proprietary method known as HighSpeed HealingTM. Debora skillfully weaves in elements from Ancient Spiritual Healing practices, Modern Neuro-Science, and Leading-edge Biofield Science which work together synergistically to allow for profound physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual transformation.
Debora is the #1 Bestselling Author of “Why Do I Still Hurt? – Rapid Relief for Chronic Pain, Depression, Anxiety, and More”. She has earned degrees and certifications in Psychology, Hypnotherapy, & Chemical Dependency Counseling, has 30 + years practicing and teaching the Art of Meditation, is a nationally recognized Fine Artist, a former professional Modern Dancer, a Certified Yoga Instructor, Reiki Master, CEO & Founder of The International Chronic Pain InstituteTM, and creator of The Pain Free Living®.
DISCLAIMER: The information, materials, and attachments contained herein are designed for educational purposes only and may not be reproduced in any manner or format without specific written permission from Debora Wayne, LLC. This information is not designed or intended to provide guarantees of any kind nor to be considered medical advice, medical diagnosis, or medical treatment. Debora Wayne LLC, The Biofield Healing Institute®, International Chronic Pain Institute® and any and all associates of Debora Wayne LLC, and/or The Biofield Healing Institute®, International Chronic Pain Institute® shall not be responsible or liable for any medical, financial, or other claims inferred from these materials. You are solely responsible for continuing with your own medical treatment and care. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. © 2022 Debora Wayne, LLC. All rights reserved.
© 2022 Debora Wayne, LLC. All rights reserved.