Adios AnxietyTM

The HighSpeed HealingTM Approach to Stop Anxiety in It's Tracks!


Founder & CEO, International Chronic Pain Institute™

Are you one of the 4.39 MILLION people who suffers from Anxiety?

If you have been suffering from Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Overwhelm, Fear…
If you are Worried about your Future…
If you have been tossing and turning at 2:00 am, trying to Figure Out how to get rid of your anxiety,
your fears and doubts, your painful problems…
If you feel out of control!
…and you know that you Must Find a Solution…
If you feel Stuck and Blocked…
If you’ve tried the Pills and Potions…
If your Will-Power is Worn Out…
And your nerves feel frazzled…

I have a New Solution that Works…

And I Invite You to Join Me and FINALLY Say Adios to Your Anxiety!

Ask A Different Question?

You’re not CRAZY!

This is NOT all in your head.

It’s NOT your fault.

You can resolve this with the right information.

There is HOPE.

Nothing, including your situation, is permanent.

There is a REASON.

You can access it and resolve it with the right help.

The question I encourage you to ask is…

“What is POSSIBLE for me?”

If you’ve tried it all…

Would You Be Willing To Try a NEW APPROACH that’s been Proven to Work?

Would you be willing to set aside everything you’ve learned, everything you’ve tried, everything you think you know about anxiety just for the duration of our time together and to try ADIOS ANXIETY™: The Biofield Healing Immersion™ Approach designed to Stop Anxiety in it’s Tracks?

Would you be willing and open to the possibility of FINALLY discovering and practicing my Exact, Step-by-Step method proven to Release Anxiety and help you to finally Experience Inner Peace, a Quiet Mind, Emotional Calm, Joy…..even Bliss?

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I’m open to leaving my Anxiety in the past.


Revolutionary NEW Solutions, for your OLD, Painful, Anxiety


Join Debora Live beginning

Monday, December 4th

You don’t have to travel to be a part of this very unique event! You will simply call in by phone or connect over the internet and experience the power of “ADIOS ANXIETY” – The Proven Step-by-Step Biofield Healing Immersion™ approach to release the pain of anxiety symptoms.

Take a look at what the “Adios Anxiety” workshop has in store for you:

  • We’ll connect via phone or internet. You have the option to simply call in or connect via the web from the comfort of your own home or office. (This is an Audio Only Call)
  • You’ll Learn Debora’s “Adios Anxiety” Formula – A Step-by-Step Daily System designed to finally Get Your Energy & Life Back on Track, Get UN-Stuck and Learn to Live FREE of Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and Dis-ease
  • You’ll Learn an Ancient Technique to Stop Anxiety in it’s tracks. It’s impossible to Experience Anxiety and do this at the same time (VALUE – PRICELESS)
  • You’ll Learn a Modern, 21st century tool to Stop Anxiety in it’s tracks. There’s no easier or more relaxing way to release anxiety and break the habit of worry and stress.
  • Receive your “Adios Anxiety” Daily Checklist – a PDF you can download to any device (VALUE $47)
  • Debora will reveal what she has discovered after working with tens of thousands of people in over 150 countries that lies at the root of anxiety, and what you must start to do NOW to stop this pattern at once.

    *** This along is worth the price of admission. Debora’s past clients from all over the world have reported the elimination of Chronic Stress, Anxiety, Depression, and Pain symptoms of all types from this revolutionary method. This healing modality, based on scientific principles has the potential to rapidly pinpoint the hidden source of your stress and anxiety symptoms and release them more quickly than any other available methods.

    (I’ll describe this in detail before we begin – just know for now that you don’t have to do anything to prepare for it and that It’s been life-changing for tens of thousands of people.
  • As time permits you will have the opportunity to ask Debora your toughest questions and receive her help in areas you feel stuck, blocked, hopeless, or confused. She will work 1 on 1 with as many people as possible.
  • You’ll receive a recording of the ENTIRE 2 hour call including the Biofield Healing Immersion™ session! In case you cannot make it to the Live call, the recording is just as powerful, and the only difference is you won’t have the opportunity to work with me Live on the call. Don’t let that stop you from healing! Use the recording immediately again and again from the comfort of your home. Some people actually prefer the recorded version! ($127 VALUE)

Are you ready…

…to open up to the possibility of leaving your anxious days behind… Not everyone experiences immediate total relief, but many people do, and almost all share that they finally receive a New Solution, that they finally feel relief, gain hope, and that their anxiety symptoms noticeably shift, lessen, and lighten from the very first session. This has the potential to be the experience that changes the course of your entire life!


Are you ready to be guided in the “Adios Anxiety” Step-by-Step Daily Practice combined with the Power of The Biofield Healing Immersion™ method? If so, then you have come to the right place.

If you haven’t heard my story, let it suffice to say for now that I was once curled in a ball on my closet floor, crying my eyes out, screaming “WHY ME?” and praying for a solution to the suffering that had plagued me for years. I knew only 2 feelings – Anxiety and Depression! That was it.

If you’re like I was when I was dealing with my challenges, you might be trying to FIGURE IT OUT AND THINK YOUR WAY OUT OF YOUR SITUATION. Maybe you spend your mental energy thinking about what specialist might have the solution, what treatment or diet or supplement might melt it away, what you’re eating wrong, saying wrong, doing wrong! The energy you spend on this never-ending search, not to mention the oftentimes high financial cost, might be totally unnecessary.

Would it be worth less than the cost of a single doctor visit to see if there is an easier way out of your anxiety that will not only release you from your suffering, but also empower you to prevent this from coming back in the future?

The worst thing that will happen is that your mind will doubt this can work– just like I did! As a woman with a degree in psychology who stacked on certifications in clinical hypnotherapy, hypno-anesthesiology, and chemical dependency counseling, I was certain the realm of Western medicine had a solution. But I’ve never seen results with those forms of treatment that compare to the astonishing results, relief, and increased energy you’ll receive and experience in our “Adios Anxiety” workshop.

Things can shift and change. I witness this every single day. I’m here to help you experience this too! I hope you’ll take my hand and allow me to show you how.

With Love,

(Space is Limited)

P.S. Feel free to spread the word and share this invitation with anyone you think may benefit!

Follow Debora:

DISCLAIMER: The information, materials, and attachments contained herein are designed for educational purposes only and may not be reproduced in any manner or format without specific written permission from Debora Wayne, LLC. This information is not designed or intended to provide guarantees of any kind nor to be considered medical advice, medical diagnosis, or medical treatment. Debora Wayne LLC, The Biofield Healing Institute®, International Chronic Pain Institute® and any and all associates of Debora Wayne LLC, and/or The Biofield Healing Institute®, International Chronic Pain Institute® shall not be responsible or liable for any medical, financial, or other claims inferred from these materials. You are solely responsible for continuing with your own medical treatment and care. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. © 2022 Debora Wayne, LLC. All rights reserved.

International Chronic Pain Institute® – 2683 Via de la Valle Suite G606 Del Mar, CA 92014 – Email: [email protected] – Office: 760-704-8118

© 2022 Debora Wayne, LLC. All rights reserved.